Legal notice

Responsible for the content of the pages

Wenzinger Finanz AG
Poststrasse 2
8910 Affoltern am Albis


This website was developed by - Web Design Zürich and Affoltern am Albis.


All text and links have been checked carefully and are updated regularly. We endeavor to provide accurate and complete information on this site, but assume no responsibility, warranties or representations that the information provided on this website, including any database entries is accurate, complete or current. We reserve the right to change the information at any time and without notice on this website and also undertake no duty to update the information contained herein. All links to external sites have been checked at the time of their admission to its use. Nevertheless, we are not liable for content or availability of Web sites that are accessed via hyperlinks. For illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and especially for damages resulting from the unchecked use of content of linked pages lies solely with the provider of the site referred to it. It does not matter whether the damage is direct, indirect or financial nature or for any other damages that could result from loss of data, loss of use or otherwise of any kind.

Wenzinger Finanz AG | Poststrasse  2 | 8910 Affoltern am Albis | Tel. +41 44 762 24 40 |

Imprint  |  Privacy Statement


Wenzinger Finanz AG is a member of AOOS - Schweizerische Aktiengesellschaft für Aufsicht. AOOS is an officially recognised self-regulating organisation (SRO) in accordance with the Swiss Money Laundering Act (GwG) and is subject to supervision of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA).

Learn more about AOOS on:


Wenzinger Finanz AG is affiliated with the independent ombudsman institution “Ombudsman Financial Services Provider (OFD)”, which is recognized by the Federal Department of Finance. In the event of any disputes about legal claims between our clients and Wenzinger Finanz AG, our clients can contact this ombudsman’s office at any time. Information on any administrative costs in connection with mediation procedures can be found on the website of the ombudsman's office.


Name Ombudsman’s Office: Ombudsman Financial Services Provider (OFD)

Address: Bleicherweg 10, 8002 Zürich

Phone: +41 - 44 552 08 00

